Episode 78

Published on:

4th Jan 2023

78: How to create 15 pieces of content in less than 1 hour as a seller (with Morgan J Ingram, 3x LinkedIn Sales Voice and Sales Coach)

This week, Morgan J Ingram, 3x LinkedIn Sales Voice and Sales Coach introduces 2023 with an SDR creator workshop on how you can create 15 pieces of content in less than an hour as a seller. In this episode, Morgan answers all your burning questions on creating content as a seller and goes through why creating content as a seller is helpful, understanding what it means to be a ‘creator’ vs a ‘curator’, how to post consistently and more.


All right, what's going on everyone? Happy Monday. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Uh, Dave Peanut's already on top of it before I could even talk. So, uh, today is an exciting day because we're gonna be talking about creating content and this is gonna be a highly interactive and engage sessions. So be prepared to put things into the chat and answer certain things that I'm gonna be putting in here.

And also as well as I go throughout this content. If you do have question. , please put them in the q and a. It's just, it's easier to engage when it's in the q and a. Like, that's just part of it. But again, that, that's a, that's a cornerstone. So anyways, as you all already see, if you're coming into this session, please comment and, and say, Hey, like, where are you tuning in from?

Where are you at? We'll give it a minute here as people come into, into the session so we can get started. Let us know what you're tuning in from and yeah. Then we'll get into it. But, you know, we got, we got a lot of, uh, good things that we're gonna be talking about today. I'm excited. This is information that I, I've said this before, but.

And I think a lot of people say this, but like, I actually have not ta, I have not presented on this information force. Y'all getting, y'all are getting some like hidden nuggets here. All right, , like, y'all get some hidden nuggets. I spent some time in the past couple weeks to create this for you all. So you're gonna get the, the sauce here and uh, again, we're just gonna keep this highly interactive.

any questions that you have, I will answer it while we're here. I'm really excited about this content as well. Also, as well, before we start this off, uh, we're gonna have a poll that will be coming up here and it's gonna ask you all like, what are y'all thinking about when it comes to content? Right? I just wanna see like, where is everybody at with this?

Are you currently creating content for your own personal profile? And it's okay. It's okay if it's no right. We just, we just wanna see right where everybody's at. Okay, cool. We're seeing the results here live. All right. We're seeing him here live, so this is pretty cool. Let's, let's keep it flowing for a little bit.

I'll leave it up and then we'll, we will, we'll talk to it. So it looks like we have, yes. I enjoy it. We absolutely love that. Right? We have, I want to improve. That's great. Some people are not interested. , this is interesting. I'm interested. Why? Why are you here? If you're not interested, , I would actually love to understand that.

Or maybe you're just looking to be convinced to be interested. That's interesting to me. Okay. No, but I wanna start. All right, so that's obviously the majority of people. Now, for the people that want to, you know, get started, what is the reason that you have not been starting, and for the people that are doing it and enjoying it or want to improve, what have you enjoyed about it so far?

So in the comments I want to hear in the chat, number one, it's like, Hey, I'm interested in doing this. , I don't really know, uh, what, how to start. Or maybe something, I don't know. Just let us know why you haven't started yet and why you're not creating content. It could be literally anything you're afraid, overwhelmed, et cetera.

And for those of you who are creating content, let us know why you've been enjoying it and what's going on. So think about that question. Put in the chat. I wanna see the feedback so I could speak to people in more context. But I'm just gonna go over quickly in my background and we'll just get into the slides here.

So I've been creating content for the past six years on linked. Uh, I create a lot of content on sales development, sales across the board. When I started creating content, I was just like, maybe most of you in here, I was an SDR and I created it while I was in my role. I did it when I was an SDR manager. I did it in my role and also when I was a full-time sales trainer, I also did it as well.

it when I was in SDR back in:

And I'm gonna show y'all how to do that and keep this quick, concise and not be overwhelmed. And I think that's why everyone's here. So let's just get into it. Enough about me. So let's talk about, the first part is why should a rep put out. , why should you do it in the first place? Right? And when most people think about content, they're like, oh, I need to, like, again, you might be intimidated by this setup, right?

I got the mic, I got like the lights in the background, , right? I got the camera. You're like, whoa, I don't, do I have to get all this stuff? No. The reason that you want to create content as a rep is because you want to have that extra edge to cut through the. , most of you probably have noticed already, and the data even shows this, that email responses are not as high as they used to be, right?

Cold calling can be impactful, but again, that is, could be hit or missed depending on your connect rates. And then also as well LinkedIn messages. Can also be there, but still sometimes you may not hit the numbers that you used to back in the past. This is just data, right? There's still obviously tools that can get you better.

At the same time, the data is telling us that from an outbound perspective, things are changing. Okay? Well, if we know that, then as a rep, it doesn't matter if you're going after it. Cybersecurity, hr, marketing, and sales, marketing and sales are the obvious ones because there's most content that's being put out on LinkedIn, but you're putting content out there as a way to.

Inbound, but also to establish credibility within your network. That's the key here. You're gonna be able to stand out as a rep. If you are doing outbound and you're also posting content. It allows for you to put yourself out there more. Um, I recently just talked to, Someone who's taken this framework that I'm about to walk you through, he goes after people that are in the enterprise financial space.

So the Bank of America is the Capital Ones of the world, right? I mean, you can't get any more button up than that. And he's posting content on a consistent basis, and he's getting these people that are C-Suites to reach out to him based on the content that he's posting. So I tell you this, as in when most people think about creating content, they're like, well, okay.

more so about I have to be the expert or I have to be the the guru, right? You don't actually have to do that. I'm gonna show you how to do this, and you could just be starting out and it makes it very easy. You can still learn and you can still be successful, and that's what we're gonna talk about.

That's why this is helpful as we move on in the future. A lot of content is, is the future, and it's how people absorb information. So if you're able to do outbound really well and you can create content, You're only going to expand your pipeline. That's why a rep should be putting out content. Now, again, not every single person's gonna do this.

That's why there's critical ways on how to be the successful. So let's get into it. Understanding being a creator versus a curator. Now I want y'all to write this down. This is actually gonna be the most important thing that I will say today because it will change your mindset around creating. So most people when they say, Hey, go create content.

You think you need to go be a creator? So okay, I gotta go get a podcast, I gotta go get a YouTube channel, I gotta do videos. Like is it, when you think of Creator, do y'all think the same way? Just put a one in the chat. Like when you think creator, you have to like, go get all this, this tools, like you gotta go get like a camera, a YouTube show, a podcast.

I gotta go like create this crazy algorithm thing. Like, is that what everybody thinks about? Like put a one if. That's what you think about and that's why it's overwhelming to you. You feel like you gotta get all this equipment, you gotta get really souped up, right? You gotta really get involved. Mr. Yeah.

Shout out to Mr. Beast. He's killing it. Like so one, like most people, that's what they think. Like, okay, I gotta go create content, I gotta go do all these things. So here's the thing, you don't need to do that at all. Now again, I have this set up because of what I do, but I don't, I don't think most people might not want to get to the level of content that I.

Which is fine. We're just really trying to help you out. Get to the level of content that allows you to be consistent. So I don't want you to think about being a creator. Now, you can think about it that way, but I don't want you to think about it cuz it's gonna overwhelm you. I want you to think about being a curator.

I want y'all to think of this one. I want you to think about it. Be a curator. Now, some of you may be asking, okay, what the heck is a curator? So a curator is someone who is taking, let's say, a podcast. A blog post someone's posts and provides their own feedback. So let, let me give you an example. Let's say that you're going after it CIOs and there is a CIO blog and they post something every other day.

What I would do as a rep is you can become. of subject matter person, right? You can become, you can have some type of knowledge there without having to spend, you know, 20, 50 years in this field. You can read about it or you can read it and then give your feedback. So what I would do is if I was go with the CIOs, I would go find a blog that's consistent.

I don't know which one it is, but let's just, I'm gonna use this example and every week I would pick maybe Monday morning and I would read through like three. So then my post for the week, right? Let's just say once a week. I'm not asking for a whole lot. Once a week I post, Hey, I re, I read this blog post on CIOs and here are the three things I learned.

1, 2, 3. If you, let's take a step further. Let's say someone wrote that blog post, that's another cio. You can tag that CIO and say, Hey, like, what's your take on this? Do you guys see what I'm doing here? Notice how they didn't take a whole lot of, I didn't have to get a video team. I didn't have to get an editing team.

I didn't have to do a. Your goal as a sales rep is to what? Is to understand your industry and your market. The, the more that you can understand your buyer and industry, the easier it'll be for you to sell. Do we all agree with that? Just put a two. If you agree, if you under, if you study the buyer and you study the industry, it'll be easier for you to sell.

Just put a two if you, if you agree with me and if you don't, like, maybe, maybe it's new. Maybe you're like, oh, Warren, I didn't, I didn't think about the way, so, so everyone's agreeing with me. So the. You already have to do that. So what I'm now giving you is how you're creating your content, right? So, Lucas, I'll, I'll, I got you.

I'll go over it again. So, cio, right? CIO O block. I don't know, we'll just call it the, the CIO O block. We'll just call it that. Can't to give a creator name. We'll, what is it called? The C block. So Monday morning, let's say 8:00 AM instead of doing, , maybe like watching some cat video on YouTube. I decide I'm gonna read 30, 30 to 45 minutes of this, these blocks, and I'm gonna, I'm gonna absorb the blog and then I'm gonna be like, okay, cool.

Pick three things from the blog. And so what I'm gonna do is say, Hey, these are three things that I learned from this blog. And student a post, be like, Hey, I mean you could write it however you want, but say, Hey, recently I read this blog on Monday, and then here are three things that you know, I, I got out of it, right?

And then you list it 1, 2, 3, and then you tag whoever wrote the post, right? This will allow for engagement. Now I'm gonna give you all a hidden tip here that most people don't know. . When you tag someone in a post and they like and comment, it will amplify to their network. Why is that important? If I tag a CIO and I read their work, which most people do not do this by the way, all like most people are not doing this.

This is why people are gonna respond. A CIO's gonna be like, wow, someone actually read my work. Right? People like to hear about themselves and the work that they've done. So they're gonna liken comment. Now, they may even send you a connection request and now you're connected to a cio. But when they like and comment, it will go to other CIOs.

And so other CIOs gonna be like, oh wow, this, this person had a really good, well thought out curated piece. I might want to connect with this person. What are they selling? What are they about? Right? So now you're building a network of CIOs by literally spending 45 minutes every Monday reading. Now that's very simple, but obviously over time, right?

That's gonna take you like you're gonna be like, You might be overwhelmed. No, all I'll ask for is 45 minutes. Right? That's the key. So that's the way that you have to be a curator. You can do this with blogs, you can do this with podcasts. Maybe some of you listen to 30 Minutes of Presidents Club. It's one of the really elite podcasts out here.

Sales podcast. I would listen to that. Find someone I'm looking to go after, right? And then I would pick out three things I talked. Uh, if you follow me, you'll actually start seeing this, uh, Lucas. It's called 30 Minutes to President Club. Really good podcast, Nick and Armand, good people. Another thing that I'm gonna start doing, y'all just see this, uh, David Gerhardt has a podcast called Exit Five.

It's talks about marketing and things of that nature and like he basically was a cmo, so he gets other CMOs and they talk about it. So one thing that I'm going into, went off on my own is I'm going more into content marketing and B2B influencer marketing. So I'm gonna start listening to these podcast.

and I'm gonna do the same thing I'm telling y'all right now. Like everything I'm telling you is what I'm going to do. Like you'll, you will see it in the next couple weeks. I'm gonna listen to a podcast. I'm gonna take three tips, right? And I'm gonna post it. I'm gonna tag the person who was on the podcast and I'm gonna build community that way.

I'm gonna build engagement that way with a new audience that I'm looking to get after. You all will see it in real time. I'm telling you exactly what I'm gonna do. This is, this is my blueprint, , right? I'm not, I would never tell you something I would not do or have not done. So that right there is how you be a curator instead of a creator.

So you don't have to get all this kit. All you have to do is do that creation piece that I talked about. Now in a, in a critical reading tips, I, I think you're talking about when you're reading the blog, uh, really I just look at things that are tangible and tactical. . That's just the way I go about it. And if you wanna get further, like I taught myself how to speed read, you don't have to do that.

But really I'm just looking for tangible and tactical things that I can speak to that are easy for the audience to consume. Uh, so that's the way that I go about. My reading, and then I look for things that, or words that will stand out to my audience as well. So that's just the way that I read. I think everyone's different.

I can't really give you more than that, but that's just the way that I think about critical reading. Uh, if anyone has any more tips, they can, they can dive into it. Okay, so I've talked a lot about being a curator. Y'all wanna get tactical though, so let's just get to the next point here. If we can enlarge this profile here so we can, so the audience can see right here what's going on.

But by the way, let's pause. I just wanna make sure, did that curator breakdown and create a breakdown, was that helpful? Did that like change y'alls mindset around content? Cause I just need to understand that before I go, before I go into the next part, I just, I just wanna make sure that like, it helped everyone that put like a two and the one, like did it like change your mindset on how to create content?

Like did it make it a lot easier maybe to. Think about this cuz it, this can be very overwhelming. When I first started creating content, I was like, I had no idea what I was doing. But the curator piece really helped me understand how to create content as a rep and not be overwhelmed. Cause I did this all as well.

I was an S C R still making cold calls, like a hundred cold calls a day, a hundred emails a day. Like I was doing the content as well. But when I under the creator piece, it changes. So I just wanna see the feedback and make sure this is helpful before I go into this profile. Okay, so everyone seems like they're.

So let's go into this next part, which is, um, it is being recorded, by the way. So the next thing that we're gonna talk about is setting up to become a creator. Or again, we said creator, but it's called creator mode. So that's why I put that here. So let's just talk about a couple things that are here.

First of all is your headline, y'all. This is absolutely important. If you were a sales. , if you are a sales leader on this call today, and you are going to give this input or these feedback back to your team, I, I need y'all to do something for me. If you have account executive sales development rep in your headline, I need you to take it outta your headline, all right?

And, and if I'm calling you out, don't feel attacked. This is something I had to change. Don't feel attacked. Everyone goes through this, but if you have sales development rep at that does, it does absolutely nothing for you. I want y'all to think about this as a buyer. I really want y'all to think about this.

You buyers get like what sale? Like 5,000 connection requests a day. Probably more. Probably a larger door of them, say account executive at or sales development at. How does that make you? , I want y'all to really think about this. Like that doesn't help you at all. Okay, cool. And SDR is hitting me up again, and the AE is hitting me up again.

They're gonna roll their eyes, they're gonna move on. This's is feedback from people. I've even asked this, two people that are executives, this feedback, and they told me, yeah, like if I just see SDR at like the chance of me rep, uh, accepting is low. David bdr, sdr, xdr, tdr, , whatever it is, it's not, it's not gonna be helpful, right?

So this is in the headline, by the way, not your job title. This is your headline. Sales manager's the same. So let's, let's dive into it because that is a general thing that doesn't really make you stand out. It doesn't make you unique in any. because everyone has that title. So how do you make this stand out, right, Morgan?

Oh, what do I do here? So my example's a little bit different because right now I'm building a company, so I'm letting people know like what I'm building. But you need to give people a precursor of like what you're about. So you might be like, Hey, I'm helping B2B sellers. I'm trying, he helping B2B sellers prospect.

Or some people I've seen is like, want to book more meetings or struggling with your cold calling or struggling with breaches. I'm just giving y'all examples. But the easiest way to think about this is, let's go back to the buyer. What are your buyer's problems? And then how do you solve that? And then you need to put that in your headline, right?

Mitigating risk for the cybersecurity. . You could probably get more granular than that cause I'm not in this space. But you see where I'm going with this and hopefully this is helpful and we can pull up more examples if we need to. But the whole thing is that like your headline should not say I'm an sdr, should not say your a e r sales manager.

It should talk about what you are doing as a sales manager. So how, who are you looking to hire? Right? What space are you looking to hire it? Right? You could be like looking to. , higher elite talent that are focused on and maybe your three values that you're looking to hire. See, the more granular and centered you can be, the more you're gonna get the right people in the room and your connection requests.

Acceptance will be higher and your profile views will be higher. I worked with a client on this before, uh, maybe it was about, it was a couple months ago, and I was like, change your head. Make it more targeted. So he saw what it was like two 55% increase in profile views and like a 20% increase in connection acceptance rate.

This little detail is a lot. Some of y'all may be like, oh, like this doesn't really matter. It does matter. So your headline is like, what are people seeing? Your profile picture needs to be on point, but I'm not an aesthetic person and a design person, so I can't help you there, but I can help you with your headline.

Change it to what problems are you solving? . And then how do you solve that? That's the key. So my one before when I was full-time sales training was helping be helping sales professionals break through the noise. Okay, that makes sense. And then I even refined it even more and said, helping sales professionals, prospect.

by breaking through the noise, right? Breaking through the noise through prospecting, right? I continuously changed it, but you have to figure out for you what's that headline? So I think I've said that enough, but you guys get it. Change your headlines. If you just have BD R SD R T D R A E B e, I don't . I don't care what it is.

Like I would change that. Right? So, Sam, thanks for putting examples. If y'all have examples, by the way, as you're listening to me, throw 'em in the chat like I can, I can tell you if it's good in real time, right? If you're picking. when I'm throwing down here, uh, put it in the chat and more than happy to talk about it.

So helping companies with modern IT infrastructure, I think that's a great start. Now there's probably something more granular than I don't know cause I'm not in that space, but this is a great start. Uh, Sam, what I would also recommend is think about, um, I'd think about ways to. , maybe elevate the word helping.

Cause a lot of people use the word helping, but helping is a good start, is what I'm saying. Right. Uh, so that's a key there. I see some more coming in, uh, bringing the three pillars of hiring success to companies at scale. That's really interesting. I don't even know, like the thing is that's interesting and unique because I'm like, now I need to figure out what are the three pillars.

I don't know. So now I'm intrigued. So now I probably connect these to figure out like what are the three pillars? Like what do I need to know? Right. And right now, people, our layoffs happen. We know there will be a pendulum swing where people will hold it to hire again. So what are those three pillars?

Like hiring a skill, like that's interesting, right? Let's just go through a couple, since y'all are throwing them in here. Help sales leaders make their training focus on revenue. I think you could. . I think you could make that a little bit more granular cuz all sales leaders are focused on revenue, so, so maybe it could be a little bit more granular, like maybe it's like make their discovery training or maybe their prospecting training.

Maybe if you could get more granular on the training part on revenue, you could maybe focus in on there or maybe focused on, you could be like helping sales leaders make their training focus on discovery more impactful. Maybe you could focus on a certain component of training, but I think that's a good.

Creating transparency, connection, and opportunity to modernize the public sector. I like that. I think that's pretty solid, right? I think people want transparency in the public sector. I don't know. I'm not in it, but that makes sense to me. Connection, opportunity. I actually like that. I think that's pretty good.

Let's just keep 'em coming. I'll just keep talking about 'em. Supporting banks to reduce supporting, let's see what here. Oh, supporting banks to reduce voice, communications, risk, and legacy costs. I, I like, I'm. . That just sound, that just sounds interesting to me. Like I think I like that. Everyone wants to reduce risk and cost, right?

Reducing is a good word there when you have cost and risk. So I like that. I'll just let the team keep putting 'em up cause I'm calling 'em out and they're like, what's Morgan calling up next? Um, okay. Helping the world of value stream management. Find the best software. So I would stay away from like best software or leading software cuz everyone says.

So maybe kind of like distill that down, like helping, helping the world of value stream management. I don't think finding the best software is not it. Maybe it's like helping the world of stream management and then maybe insert like how you solve it, like helping the stream management have more efficient systems.

I don't, I'm just making something up. I don't know your product, but I wouldn't say like find the best software. I would kind of talk about. something a little bit different there. Cause I think when people think about Best or Elite, they like kind of turn off. So maybe there's under the word for that, but that would be my recommendation.

Um, let's see. Okay. Find the right platform. Okay. I, I'm just kind of going back to Robin. You put it back in there. I like that. But let's stay here. Making, maybe making public sector sales outreach more impactful. Hmm.

I like the word impactful. Maybe it's making public sales sector outreach and, and kind of go with where I'm going here. Making public sales sector outreach creates more impactful conversions, right? Because more impactful is a relative. It can mean a lot of different things. So you want to figure out what is impactful, impactful, convers.

that actually might be more like making public sector sales outreach, create more impactful conversations. I think you could play with that one. But create more sales conversations or create more sales conversions. That's more so like what you're looking at there. Right. So that's that piece. I'll take, I'll take like two more and then we gotta, there's like more content.

So, but this is good. I like that. We're, we're, we're like getting in here, unleashing the power of your people.

I'm assuming this is like an HR tech. I could be wrong on this, but I'm assuming that's what it's, see I like this one. But could it be more, or is this it unleashing the power of your people? Um,

so I like this. I'm thinking, could there be more? But I think this might be enough. I think one thing that you could do is instead of unleashing, maybe unlock. and I can kind of tell you why I put unlocking cuz you think a lot of people right now are, they have leaders or people or that are kind of like locking them into being them their true selves.

So maybe it's unlocking the power of your people, kind of put it that way. But either or, like that's semantics. Like, I like this. So we'll go that. Let's get one more and then let's move on and I'll try to get some at the end, but I want to get to the content. Um, transferring B2B commerce through.

I'm pausing cuz I, I, so I like, I like the, I like the word transforming, right? You know, it's through data. Could you add like, no, I don't think you need to talk more. I, I think that, I think that is fine. Right? Because I'm assuming you are giving people insights and data insights through B2B commerce and you have a data platform that's solely focused on b2b.

I'm assuming. I'm assuming that's what it. So I think that's fine. Um, , it's not great. No, I just, I think there's more that you could add to like, so transforming B2B commerce through data. Maybe it's like buy, maybe you could add a little bit more like through data buy, but I, you can't give that away. I don't think so.

That's why I'm like, kind of like it's, I think it's fine. I think it's good. I think you could add something before through data, or maybe it's something after the data. And by the way, this feedback is in real time y'all. So I'm giving you the. Accurate feedback. I can, uh, but take everything that I'm saying and just like, play with her.

I mean, we, we kind of went rapid fire there, so hope that was helpful for some people. But the thing is now, right, let's talk about the next phase of this. So you have your headlines. It sounds like a lot of you are already thinking about this, right? So every single person here that's on this webinar today, you should be changing it after this.

Right? Now that you heard me the about section, I'm gonna go over this really quickly, and this is very straightforward. Like when it comes to the, about section Y. You could do whatever you want. I like to think of it as a hero's story. So you'll see how I wrote this in a mostly first person, this is what I've done.

This is what my journey, you don't have to take it to this lens. These, there's really only like three things that I'd recommend for you to do. So you'll see right here I, it says what I do, right? So that's what I do. And this is a work in progress right now. Cause there's a lot of things that I'm working on and changing, but what I do is something that you want to do there.

that should be in your post. Hey, what do I in your about section, what do I do? Then the second thing is core values for success. What are your core values for success? People wanna see that. And the third thing is, and it's not in here in the springshot, but I just say like, how can you contact me? Those are like three critical elements.

The the story before, that's kind of like my hero's story. Like, hey, like this is what I've done. This is where I came from, this is what I'm doing now. But in your about section, what I do, core values for success, how do people can reach you? That's about. Okay, so you're set up. We got our headline. This is the last thing that I wanna point out here.

creating content for a while.:

One thing that you can do. add in your customer story. So this is just an example. I had endorsements when I first started. All these people on here, you know, I'm really good friends with or have worked with them in some capacity. But look at your job, Des, look at your job description right now. Look at you as an sdr, an ae, or a sales manager.

So what you want to be able to do there is add in your media, okay? What? What case studies have you done? What testimonials do you have? Right? Start adding that in there so you can start getting some.

Okay. Content deploy. And I see some questions rolling in, so I'll, I'll actually get to that cuz it, we're still on the profile, so I'll answer. This is why I answer this part. Content deployment. How do you post content consistently? So this is just an example of different content that I posted. You'll notice that this content is a little bit outside of the box and what I typically post for sales.

So you'll see that like I've been messing around. Donatello, Peaky Blinders. I'm, I'm really just running tests now. I, I know it works, but I also like testing new things. My point in showing you all this is that over time you can start getting into emotion when you're creating your content, where you're posting every single day.

Now, I don't recommend you to post every single day coming outta the session if you feel so inclined to go do that. Like by all means, like, do your thing. But for the most part, like I'm really just focused on, okay, how can I post like once a. . Then they're like, how do I do. three tons a week every single day, right?

It just depends on how you're going about it, but this is just showing you how to post consistently. I have different frameworks that I go. I have like questions I ask. I'd say unpopular opinions. I share my thoughts. I share a one-liner like, Hey, sending videos is underrated. Like, these are just different things that I do to show people the different content and the context.

But let's put David's question back up here because it is relevant to what we just talked about on the LinkedIn profile. So I wanna be able to answer it. Okay. Using the name, pronunciation audio feature, like if you have a hard name, then you can obviously use it for that. But what I use it for or what I'm going to use it for, cause I'm gonna change.

it's just a quick introduction of like what I do and seeing if people are interested. So you might be like, it's kind of what it is, is it's amplifying your headline. So you might be like, let's just go back here to a couple of ones that we talked about. So, hey, my name is Morgan and I help unlock, or I help, I un I unlock the power of your people through our whatever the platform is.

And if you're open to chatting, let me know Otherwise. Talk to you soon, right? What it is, is, is just an amplification of your headline. If you want to add a fun fact in there, by all means, I think the one I had before was like, Hey, this is Morgan. Uh, I post content daily here on LinkedIn, and you'll see I also do sales coaching, sales training, if that's something that might be a need for you.

And a fun fact for me is I met Michael Jordan person, boom, I'm out. So that's like the way that I phrase it. So it's, here's my headline, here's. . Well, here's me. Here's my headline. Here's a fun fact. That's like the formula. Here's who I am, here's my headline. Fun fact. And you can just run that. And if you have different examples, by all means, do your thing.

But that's the way I'd go about it.

Okay? Engaging with your network. So I'm gonna show you all different examples of once you start posting content, how to engage. And if anyone has any questions as I go through this, like I said, throw it in the q and a in the chat. We're gonna get to it, but you'll see what I'm doing here. So engaging with your network.

This is an example of a comment that I left on someone's post. and they were, they were talking about how to ask a certain question in discovery. So what you want to be able to do is, this is just something to write down every single day. I pick like five to 10 people that you wanna engage with. This will take you about 20 to 30 minutes to engage and write thoughtful comments, right?

Don't be like, I agree, or like, sounds good. Like you don't want to be that person. you see here. I said, Hey, I use it all the time. As a style thing though, sometimes I might even ask a question, but in this post I didn't need to. So just taking the time to provide a comment will allow you to increase that engagement there.

And then if we continuously go through the different examples here, you'll see the different ways that I engage with my community. So commenting is one, two is I ask people questions. Now let's see this post on the left. Look at the engagement on this. What? 200, what 209 comments. . So I'm just talking about, I'm just talking about gaming.

What's your favorite sports game? Boom. People went crazy here. Right? And I want y'all to notice something else that I do that you could pick up a tip on is I put additional comments in the comments. So look what I did. I posted the post, right? And then I had about 200 comments, which is pretty solid. And then in the comments, I said my answer, so I didn't give my answer in the post.

I gave the answer in the. and look at what happened here. I had 15 replies off of the comment inside of the post, do y'all see what I'm doing here? Do you understand how like this can be like very like creating engagement. I'm posting something and telling people what, oh, hey, here's my opinion on something.

It doesn't have to be gaming. This is a test that I ran. It could be anything around your industry when you're curating. So you can make it super simple. It could be around topics that you already. Then in the comments I'm saying, Hey, here's my answer, and then now we have a conversation in the comments.

So that's a post model that you can take here on the right, I have a newsletter, and inside of the post I put my newsletter so people can engage with me further if they. . So three different ways to engage, right? I'm commenting on people's posts. I'm asking my audience questions, community questions. Then I have a comment inside of the post, right, to engage with these people.

And then I also have a newsletter inside of my posts as well, if they wanna engage further. Tons of different ways. I'm engaging. So iterating, you'll notice that I have the post that I put up. and I have two different pieces here. So one thing I've been testing on LinkedIn, if you follow my content, has been let's do like short form posts.

Like, like tweet style posts. Let's just see how they work. So I did one that was like sending videos, doing the sales cycles, underrated it. And then I did one that was just like funny cause I, I don't like football as well in cold emails, , I do not. And if you follow me, you know that. So you'll see here I.

Good afternoon to everyone. Okay. Whoa. Okay. About 400 likes here. 148 comments. Okay. This is something that I probably should do more of, right? Sending videos during the sales cycles. Underrated. Okay. Solid engagement. But maybe I need to expand more on why. Maybe that's why I didn't get as much engagement as I normally would like to get, right?

Which is cool, but now I know that this something like this. I probably won't do something like Good afternoon. I'm probably gonna do more. because clearly people like it. So again, this is just something to think about everybody is how can you iterate ab tests, try out different things so that when you're posting, you can find the things that you really like doing that lead to success.

And also be willing to try out things that you're like, I don't know, like there's posts that I do pretty frequently and I'm like, I actually have no idea how this is gonna go down. This could be an abysmal. , but I need to test it to see if that's gonna be the case. And sometimes I realize, oh, it's not.

This actually went really well, or well, okay, this actually went poorly like, and you have to be okay with that, right? It's the same thing in sales. If you trust test that a new email or a new cold calling framework, it might not go well, but it might go well, we don't know. So that's why we're testing it out so far.

Everybody can get the ba, the, the baseline. iterating and continuously doing things is important. So

that's it. And I wanted to leave about 20 minutes left, 15 minutes left for questions. Uh, and I want to kind of wrap up here as we go into questions. Cause I know a couple people probably have some more things. But you'll see that the four levels of deployment here are, number one, is your creator, creator, set up how you deploy the content consist.

how you engage with your audience and how you iterate that moving forward. Those are the four things that you could focus on to become a better sales creator. Why it's important and how you can start doing it today. So hopefully you all enjoyed this content. Hopefully it was helpful, uh, for the all of you out there.

Uh, give us, give us some love and a shout across the board. Uh, if you found this to be helpful on LinkedIn, tag me if you did find it helpful. But now we're gonna go into q and a three question. In the chat, throw it in the q and a, if you'll have something you wanna talk about. Now is the time. And again, hopefully everyone found this to be helpful on the content piece.

So we're gonna go into some things. Headline, taking brands global by expanding their international e-commerce presence. I like that. I think that really tailors right across the board on. How you want to go about that now? New nuance. You're, you're saying taking brands global by ex uh, by expanding their e-commerce experience.

You, a presence you could take out probably international. Cuz you're taking, you're saying taking brands global, so you're already saying international, but that's semantics. I'd to say at the end of the day, like, this is really good. So I would ride with that headline. Victor, can you give me a little bit more like, what exactly do you mean by this question?

How have you transitioned from your engagement to the sales piece? Like how. Like selling them? Is that what you're saying? I'm just trying to understand, making sure I'm understanding your question. Okay, cool. That's what, okay, that's what I was just trying to understand. Okay, so the thing is, it's gonna be different across the board.

Like some of this is a long-term game to be very transparent with. It's not gonna be you post something, someone likes it, and you immediately sell them. Like, it's not always gonna be like that. Let's just, let's just make that abundantly clear. Sometimes it'll be a long-term game for people to engage across the board and wanting to.

Make sure that you know, you can build that relationship. What I will say is, and been doing this for the past couple years, is when people engage with you, you start a conversation. So the best way to think about this is you start conversations to get the conversion. You're starting conversations to get the conversion.

So what I mean by that is, would people like my post or they comment? They, they have now basically opened the drawbridge to be like, Hey, I wanna talk to you. So what I'll do is I'll just follow up with people and say like, Hey, thanks for the comment on this. Like, and I'll ask a follow up question. Now I can't give you an exact question cuz everybody's comment's different, but what I also do is, Based on the post that I'm posting and they liked it, it's obviously something that I could potentially be selling.

So I will follow up with people who like the post and say, Hey, thanks for liking the Post. If it's someone who could be a potential buyer and ask them what do they like about the Post, right? If they didn't add a comment. So then now I'm starting a conversation, and then ultimately Victor, that does turn into me getting into conversation or ultimately selling them and.

Conversation I have is going to be different, right? But what I do is I spark a conversation with somebody and then I flip it, and then I send them a video or a voice note, and this is just me. Everyone's different. You can do the same thing, but I do a video or a voice note and say, Hey, like notice that you know, one of the things that you've been talking about is cold calling and notice that you like cold calling.

Here's a couple things that you're doing. Just so you know, like I provide sales training and I think it might be applicable to have a conversation on this. Like, what do you think? So Victor, that's the way that I'm moving people from engaged to inevitably selling them the product, is they engage with me First, I started our conversation in the dm, and that DM then leads into a conversion, but I'm not hopping in and saying, Hey, saw you like the post, let's, let's schedule a meeting like

I'm asking a question first. That then allows me to get to that point that I'm trying to get to. So that's the. Mention of the curating is it is best to link to the post you comment on so that people can also read it. Yes, absolutely. So you could do it two ways. You could put the com, you could put the link to the post inside.

Well, you could put the link to the blog. Inside of the post caption, or you could have it as a comment and you could pin it so people can engage from there. Depends on how you wanna do it. But what my answer to that question is yes, I would absolutely provide the link so other people can go read it as well.

And then that just shows, again, you're just giving back to the community cuz it gives them something to read and now you're seeing as a source of information for that person. Okay. This is actually a. Good question from David. So who, who here's gonna do some post-event posting, put a one in the chat. It won't hurt my feelings if you don't wanna post.

It's cool. But I'm actually just curious who's actually gonna do some post-event posting here. Right. Who's actually gonna do this now? And if you're not, it's cool, but I'm gonna give you this tip and I'm gonna tell you how to do it. And then also as well, how it can be like beneficial, right? Moving forward because you posting about events.

Will bring in people as well. It will give people context, it will help people learn. And it's also just a good best practice to know what you want to get out of each event because it's gonna help you be more impactful, right? You spent, you know, we spent almost an hour here today, so you don't want to come out an event and be like, oh, like that was a cool event.

I feel good. And you don't do anything. That's the biggest waste of time. is the biggest waste of time. Spending an hour an event, you felt good and you do nothing. Like, I don't want that for y'all. So essentially, here's the way that I think. Post event posting and how I go about it. So there's four stages to this.

If y'all wanna write this down, four stages of how I do most event post event posting. And when I go to like in-person events and I recap them, you'll, if you see my posts, you'll see them in the next, you know, a couple months. As I go to different events, I give a breakdown of this. It's the same exact thing.

So number one. , what was the re like, what was the reason that I went to the event in the first place? And that could be like identifying a struggle or a problem or something that I, or an opportunity. So here's the reason why I went to this event, right? Maybe I'm not good at creating right now. Maybe I'm, I'm creating, but I wanna get better.

Maybe I don't believe in content creation, so I needed maybe someone to tell me to do it, whatever. Right? That's number one. So I talk about like, what's the reason I'm gonna doing this in. Number two is I say, okay, what did I learn during this? And again, y'all know what I'm gonna say. Three. Three is the easiest thing to remember.

I've done thousands of sales trainings and sales coaching sessions. I found that by saying three things, it was easier for people to remember, easier for people to execute. Made it all. Made it all like, great. So three, what are the three things, right? What are the three? Makes it really, really easy for people.

These are the three things I learned. Then the third thing is, what is the thing that you're actually going to do first? So you might be like, here are the three things I'm gonna do. Here's something that really stood out. Here's what I'm gonna do right now. And then the fourth thing is you invite the audience to be like, what?

Out of these three things, what would you, what do you feel like you. . So you see how that really creates massive engagement and you al and you also hold yourself accountable. So I'll go over that one more time. Number one is, what was the reason that you're going to this event in the first place? I was struggling.

I felt like I needed to get better, whatever. Two is, what are the three things I learned? Three is, okay, what is the thing I'm actually gonna do? And then four is, Inviting your network to say what is something that they saw on your post that they would actually go do. So now you can hold yourself accountable.

So David, did I help answer your question?

Hey, there we go. Awesome. So Brad, are you doing all texts? Do you have any guidance on when and how to use imagery? So that is a fantastic question. I do not do all texts. Those are texts were just my examples. . I do all sorts of different content. I'm actually more of a video person than anything. I love using video.

It's something I'm gonna start doing more. Again, I took a step back to, was trying different pieces of content, but typically I'm a video person. But if you look at my last post, Brad, and I don't know, I may be able to share my screen, so maybe you'll be able to see it, but my last post that I literally just.

Cause I'm testing out some new things. Here is actually a imagery post with, oh, with a listicle and a listicle basically is like, here are the things you need to do, da, da, da, da, da. Right? It's kind of like a list. So let me see if I can, oh, I actually can do this. Hold up. Let's see here. We might, we might be able to A, here we go.

Here we go. I actually can share my screen. Okay. So you'll see. You'll see what I did here. See if I can zoom in. . Y'all will see, right? Let me get this smashed out the way. Y'all see that right here? I have, okay. I wanna be 1% listicle and notice what I did here, right? Am I missing anything? So now people, I'm inviting the audience to join me.

So you'll see right here, 39 comments, three repos post about an hour ago. Pretty solid. Uh, but again, this is a new test that I'm doing. You'll see I added in my newsletter there, but that's like where I'm using. Plus a listicle. So to give you context, this, this post, by the way is something that, like I posted like months and months ago, but now I was like, let me add a picture.

Let me see if it's, there's a difference. So I'm always playing with different pieces of content that I've done in the past. So I don't feel overwhelmed. Uh, I do not use the SSI index. I think it's a complete waste of time, in my opinion. It doesn't really give you, it doesn't really help you with really anything.

I think it's a, I just think it's a waste of time. So if you want to use. , awesome. I don't really care for it, and it doesn't really matter to me personally, but if you want to use it, go do your thing. I just, I don't really find any relevant use for it. Okay, y'all looks like everyone has asked the questions that they're looking to ask.

I appreciate y'all showing up. Again, different piece of content than we normally do here on these webinar series. However, uh, everyone thank you for joining and if you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to me. Uh, I gave y'all the breakdown on. Kind of do a post event post, she should be there.

Uh, yeah, feel free to hit me up on, uh, connections if you have any further questions. But again, we appreciate y'all. Hopefully y'all enjoyed this event. Hopefully the content was helpful and uh, we'll see you all next time. Cheers.

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Revenue Champions
The ultimate B2B podcast, brought to you by Cognism. A podcast where we interview leaders, experts, and entrepreneurs in the B2B space. Giving you the tips, tricks, and hacks for you to grow and scale your B2B business. Our aim is to share insightful knowledge so you can implement practical strategies in your journey to accelerate your revenue growth today!