
Published on:

4th Aug 2021

17: Breaking down silos: integrating sales and marketing with Alice de Courcy, CMO and Jonathon Ilett, Global Head of Sales @Cognism

Alice de Courcy, CMO @Cognism speaks to Jonathon Ilett, Global Head of Sales @Cognism all about the ways they integrate sales and marketing at Cognism. Alice and Jon discuss the ways sales and marketing can learn from each other, Marketing Development Representatives bridging the gap between sales and marketing, RevOps and more.

Podcast Slides: https://f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/2340453/Breaking%20Down%20Silos-1.pdf


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About the Podcast

Revenue Champions
The ultimate B2B podcast, brought to you by Cognism. A podcast where we interview leaders, experts, and entrepreneurs in the B2B space. Giving you the tips, tricks, and hacks for you to grow and scale your B2B business. Our aim is to share insightful knowledge so you can implement practical strategies in your journey to accelerate your revenue growth today!